Sunday, September 29, 2013

The resolution of the ATM situation

As some of you know, when I tried to use the ATM the other day I entered the wrong pin number a few times, and was consequently locked out of my account.

Naturally, I was dreading having to go to school and tell my co-teacher about what I had done.  First of all, my co-teachers have all taken a lot of time out of their busy schedules to help me with things like opening my bank account and helping me with my cell phone.  The last thing I wanted to do was be a burden....again. Especially right before mid-terms. Plus, forgetting your pin number is just plain stupid, so that's also embarrassing.  

However, I knew I was going to have to suck up the pain of admitting my stupidity because the bank is only open until 5, so I can't ever go after I get out of work.  I also can't speak Korean, so trying to communicate with a banker wouldn't work.  Also, I need to pay bills, and I need to be able to get into my account for that.  
So, I went into school totally dreading the conversation with my co-teacher, but after I told her she said she would get someone to help me.  

During one of my off periods, one of my co-teachers came up and told me she would take me to the bank.  I was relieved when I saw which co-teacher it was because it was because although she intimidated me at first, she has been the most helpful and kind to me over the past few weeks.  

We went to the bank and quickly got everything taken care of.  After we were done we still had about 20 minutes until the next class so she looked at me and said "Let's go get a coffee?"  

Of course I agreed, and we went over the the nearest coffee shop.  The crazy part is that after she took time to help me with MY stupid mistake, she WOULD NOT let me pay, regardless of how many times I insisted to treat her. 

Have I mentioned that Korean people are ridiculously kind?  

Anyway, my stupid ATM mistake actually turned out to be a great part of the day because we not only got a break from school, but we also got coffee and got to talk a little more.  

The lesson of the day: sometimes we dread things that we shouldn't. Sometimes what we think will be a bad thing turns out to be great.  

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